Objectives of the Centre:
Integrating environments focused on artificial intelligence and cybersecurity
Collaboration with public administration and socio-economic environment in the implementation and dissemination of machine learning methods, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity technologies
Collaboration with scientific centers and other artificial intelligence and cybersecurity centers
Securing national and international grants in consortia with universities and economic environment units
Implementation of research and development projects in collaboration with economic environment units
Staff development through dedicated training for the economic environment, technological expertise, student education, implementation doctorates, technological workshops, national and international conferences
Providing expert services for economic, scientific, and administrative environment units
Contact point for economic, scientific, and administrative environment units
Photo report from the center’s opening:
Center’s competencies
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence methods in medical applications, including medical image recognition and disease risk estimation
- tatistical methods and machine learning in building predictive models of energy consumption
- Machine learning methods in text analysis, sentiment analysis, and detection of so-called fake news
- Machine learning methods in engineering applications, including autonomous vehicles, robotics in transport, robotics and IoT in sustainable agriculture, real-time image recognition
- Methods of automatic emotion recognition
- Security of systems: IoT, networks, big data, communication security between unmanned vehicles
- Machine learning methods in applications for detecting anomalies in network traffic
- Risk estimation in smart city installations and critical infrastructure, architecture of multi-modal data integration, methods of multi-modal data analysis, evaluation and improvement of data quality, building large multi-modal data repositories (data warehouses, data lakes, big data technologies)
- Courses and workshops in the field of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity
The center has signed letters of intent for cooperation with the following units:
We collaborate to secure funding, prepare R&D grant applications, as well as in the area of project management and consulting.
Photo report from the center’s opening:
Implemented projects
- ARPresence (Meta): Meta company grant within the European Metaverse Research Network – project goal: use of augmented virtual reality to improve the quality of life for people prone to social exclusion
- Use of virtual and augmented reality in rehabilitation: Meta company grant, in collaboration with the Medical University of Poznan
- Workshops on artificial intelligence for the Wielkopolska Forum of Intelligent Specializations, at the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolska Region
- Submission of an International Project: Teaching AI to higher education students using an open-source and open-design educational robot
Projects in Preparation
- project Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks, pertaining to the Application of Robotics and Machine Learning in Sustainable (Smart) Agriculture
- In Collaboration with the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate – Pertaining to Text Analysis
- In Collaboration with Energotherm Company – Pertaining to the Construction of Management Models for Energy Blocks, Based on Neural Networks
On December 5th, a meeting took place at the Residence of the US Ambassador in Warsaw, concerning generative artificial intelligence for innovative organizations.
The participants included: Mark Brzezinski – Ambassador of the United States to Poland, Marcin Gajdziński – General Manager of IBM Poland, Baltic Countries and Ukraine, Prof. Dr. Eng. Teofil Jesionowski of Poznan University of Technology, and the leader of the Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Center of Poznan University of Technology – Dr. Eng. Robert Wrembel, Prof. PP.
Center in the Media
Poznań Advances in Artificial Intelligence
Next year, the capital of Wielkopolska will see the opening of Poznań CityLab. This urban innovation laboratory will develop projects based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Universities, research units, and a foundation are involved in its creation, with the City signing a letter of intent with them on January 25, 2024.
Poznań CityLab will develop solutions that support administrative processes and provide residents with modern digital services.
‘We want to create a space that will serve to verify ideas and test solutions based on emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, the internet of things, and blockchain,’ says Michał Łakomski, the Mayor of Poznań’s plenipotentiary for smart city. ‘CityLab will perform many functions. It is to be a knowledge bank, a catalyst for change, and also a place providing inspiration, tools, and methods of action for the development of smart city projects for residents, the City, and our partners.’
CityLab will carry out initiatives such as an innovation laboratory, which will offer support in introducing and piloting digital projects, and in which widely available tools will be developed. An example could be the Open Data Platform or the Smart City Poznań application. In addition, there will be a space for conducting social consultations and the Poznań Welcome Center, a place for permanent and temporary exhibitions showing the potential of the City and CityLab partners.
Poznań CityLab will be located at the Poznań International Fair. The opening is planned for 2025.
From Cryptology to Smart City
On Thursday, at the Enigma Cipher Center, a letter of intent was signed regarding cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, including the development of CityLab. The signatories of the document are: the City of Poznań, the Artificial Intelligence Center of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Center of Poznań University of Technology, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology, and the In_Spire Foundation.
The goal of the cooperation is for Poznań to become a leading city in conducting digital transformation. As part of this, partners will jointly implement projects – including national or international ones – based on artificial intelligence, which can become a model for other cities. They will also seek innovative solutions based on the latest technologies.
The cooperation also includes jointly applying for external funds and education, by providing training and developing AI-related competencies for Poznań residents and institution employees. The importance of cybersecurity was also emphasized in the letter.
The date of signing the letter – January 25 – is not accidental. It is Cryptology Day, established in 2007 by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It commemorates the anniversary of breaking the code of the German cipher machine Enigma, accomplished by Polish cryptologists, graduates of Poznań University – Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski, and Jerzy Różycki. It was they who took the first steps in decrypting Enigma in the capital of Wielkopolska in the years 1929-1932.
We were pleased to announce that Prof. Piotr Skrzypczyński, a recognized scientist and expert in the field of artificial intelligence, spoke at the AI Innovation Summit Australia-Poland.This international conference, which took place on February 28, 2024.
More Information About the Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ai-innovation-summit-australia-poland-tickets-796555146887